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Sustainable cooperation in global climate policy: Specific formulas and emission targets to build on Copenhagen and Cancun




We offer a framework to assign quantitative allocations of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), across countries, one budget period at a time. Under the two-part plan: (i) China, India, and other developing countries accept targets at Business as Usual (BAU) in the coming budget period, the same period in which the US first agrees to cuts below BAU; and (ii) all countries are asked in the future to make further cuts in accordance with a common numerical formula to all. The formula is expressed as the sum of a Progressive Reductions Factor, a Latecomer Catch-up Factor, and a Gradual Equalization Factor. This paper builds on our previous work in many ways. First we update targets to reflect pledges made by governments after the Copenhagen Accord of December 2010 and confirmed at the Cancun meeting of December 2011. Second, the WITCH model, which we use to project economic and environmental effects of any given set of emission targets, has been refined and updated to reflect economic and technological developments. We include the possibility of emissions reduction from bio energy (BE), carbon capture and storage (CCS), and avoided deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) which is an important component of pledges in several developing countries. Third, we use a Nash criterion for evaluating whether a country's costs are too high to sustain cooperation.
机译:我们提供了一个框架,可以一次分配一个预算期,在各个国家/地区分配温室气体(GHG)排放的定量分配。根据分两部分的计划:(i)中国,印度和其他发展中国家在即将到来的预算期(美国首次同意削减至低于BAU的同一时期)接受“一切照旧”的目标; (ii)要求所有国家日后按照共同的数字公式对所有国家进行进一步削减。该公式表示为递减因子,后追赶因子和渐进均衡因子的总和。本文以许多方式建立在我们先前的工作之上。首先,我们更新目标以反映政府在2010年12月的《哥本哈根协议》之后做出的承诺,并在2011年12月的坎昆会议上得到了确认。其次,WITCH模型用于预测任何给定排放目标的经济和环境影响,已进行了完善和更新,以反映经济和技术发展。我们纳入了减少生物能源(BE),碳捕集与封存(CCS)排放以及避免毁林和森林退化(REDD +)的可能性,这是一些发展中国家所作承诺的重要组成部分。第三,我们使用纳什准则来评估一个国家的成本是否太高而无法维持合作。



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